Monday, June 22, 2009

Graffiti in the ACT pt. 1

Part 1

On the weekend I was walking around my local suburb of Kaleen in Canberra when I stumbled across some super-fresh graffiti art. From that walk I decided to get some images and show some of the local talent in the nations capital.

Over the next couple of weeks I've taken on a secret mission to bring more graffiti art from local artists. I am also in the process of tracking some of these artists down for an interview about why they do what they do but it's taking a's not like they leave contact details after each piece do they??

The following is a whole bunch of works from local graffiti artists both in Kaleen and the rest of Canberra. Hope you like!

Graf piece in Giralang by Unerkd

Kaleen drains by rekon

Drain piece by Baren
Canberra Storm Water by Dviant

Crazy piece by local Kaleen artist

Note: If you are an artist and you see your art up on the website - contact us!!! We would like to talk to you and get some more of your art!

mOus3 @ LL


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